Corporate Accounting & Tax
Selecting an accountant to assist you in managing the affairs of your corporation is not an easy decision, as not all accountants provide an equal level of service and possess the same knowledge base. That is why at Michael Dudenhoeffer, CA we are able to provide a knowledgeable and professionally-trained level of service at a reasonable and affordable fee. Our experience ranges from successfully managing numerous incorporated small businesses, to assisting small and medium-sized businesses with their year-end obligations and disputes with tax authorities, to auditing public companies for large multinational accounting firms.
Not only do we offer to act as a professional advisor, but also as a partner in your business to successfully resolve and manage any situations which arise in the course of your operations. Our assistance to you does not end at the filing of the corporate tax return at the end of the year, but we remain a continual asset to you in your on-going business operations.
Class-leading professional service does not have to be a significant expense for your business. Our services for a basic corporate year-end begins at $1,400. This represents our commitment to being an asset to your business, but not creating a costly burden in the process.
Our firm provides all corporate services for which your business may encounter. These services include:
Corporate Year-End Accounting and Preparation of Financial Statements:
- Notice to Reader or Compilation level engagements refers to the preparation of a set of financial statements which are unaudited. Most corporations require this level of financial statements.
- Review level engagements provide more assurance than a Notice to Reader. This type of engagement involves more in-depth work by the year-end accountant to ascertain whether the financial statements are plausible and the accountant states this in a report attached to the financial statements. This level of engagement may be required by a creditor of the corporation, such as a bank, as a covenant of a loan, legislation or laws may require this level of engagement, or if there are numerous shareholders of a corporation then they may require this level of assurance.
Corporate Tax Preparation:
- Current year corporate tax return preparation.
- Prior year corporate tax amendments
- Filing of T5 and T4 returns for payroll purposes.
- Responses to requests for information from the Canada Revenue Agency
- Preparation of custom tax information as required by various stakeholders.
Bookkeeping Finalization for Year-End:
- Review of bookkeeping records in preparation for the year-end process.
- Modification of bookkeeping records to facilitate the year-end process.
Customized Internal Financial Statements for different stakeholders such as management or owners:
- Filing of periodic GST, PST, and Payroll returns.
Consulting and preparation of:
- Prior period amendments
- Response to requests for information
- Dispute of Canada Revenue Agency treatment
Tax Planning:
- Corporate Structuring to ensure your business or businesses are set up in the most efficient and tax-advantageous structure.
- Corporate and Personal tax integration to ensure the most advantageous methods are used to structure and time withdrawals of funds from your corporation(s) to you personally is achieved.
Contact us or call 250-899-4467 for a free consultation! Go